Country: Global Page 47 / 52
- December 3 2018
Euler Hermes: global trade to remain resilient in 2019
Growth will continue but momentum is set to soften modestly in line with a slowing global economy.
- November 28 2018
Axa XL to give up €100m from rejecting coal business
Newly acquired division will adopt policies of the wider group.
- November 27 2018
Scor’s Brexit plan comes to fruition
The French reinsurer has won a licence for a new Paris-based operation to manage EEA business.
- November 23 2018
Asia still driving growth
Most of the growth in insurance demand during the next two years will come from emerging Asia.
- November 23 2018
Generali to invest up to €4bn in growth, says Donnet
Global chief executive is ready to spend to grow the business.
- November 22 2018
Beware IoT’s regulatory blind spots, says Lloyd’s
Challenges and opportunities are being created for insurers by evolving technology.
- November 22 2018
Emerging markets to drive premium growth, says Swiss Re
However, the onus for earnings improvement is strengthening underwriting performance.
- November 21 2018
JLT Re’s Howard to become vice-chairman of Guy Carpenter
JLT Re's chairman will play a key role in the transition of the two global reinsurance brokers.
- November 21 2018
Tokio Marine finalises Brexit plans
Tokio Marine is well prepared for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
- November 19 2018
16 insurers and reinsurers agree UN climate partnership
Firms to invest in analytical tools to increase the understanding of climate risk.
- November 16 2018
Accounting relief
The IASB has proposed a one-year delay to IFRS 17 implementation, but more time may still be needed.
- November 16 2018
IFRS 17 delayed until January 2022
Long-awaited accounting standard expected to be postponed by 12 months.
- November 14 2018
Lloyd’s is Brexit ready, says Carnegie-Brown
Lloyd's chairman welcomes opening of Brussels branch.
- November 14 2018
Marsh prepares specialty executive team for JLT deal
Global broker is forging ahead with its plans for the combined group.
- November 13 2018
Generali to turn away new coal clients
The Italian global insurer has joined some of its competitors in shunning the fossil fuel.
- November 12 2018
Allianz reports robust growth in Asia Pacific
The German global insurer has been growing solidly in the region.
- November 12 2018
Aon: over $2bn of losses from Asia’s October storms
There was significant economic damage from last month's typhoons in Asia Pacific.
- November 9 2018
JLT’s shareholders approve Marsh bid
Marsh's CEO says planning for the acquisition has begun "in earnest".
- November 9 2018
CII appoints Thompson as international director
Professional body hires experienced hand for key position outside of the UK.
- November 8 2018
Munich Re’s profit on track despite Q3 weather hits
Reinsurer on track to meet 2018 targets despite €600m losses from typhoons in Japan and the US.