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- March 31 2017
Can insurers help Asia’s cities become resilient?
In a world where the US president claims that “coal is great”, resilience is going to be increasingly important.
- March 24 2017
Brexit begins
Britain will start the process of exiting the EU on March 29, sparking two years for both sides to negotiate the separation.
- March 24 2017
Blockchain’s insurance revolution
While bitcoin itself remains a wild frontier, the underlying technology of blockchain is evolving into a powerful insurance tool.
- March 17 2017
Anbang’s fake news
The Chinese insurer’s investment in 666 Fifth Avenue isn’t true, but the overseas investment trend is.
- March 17 2017
Risk manager Q&A: Suchitra Narayanan
We speak to the head of risk and insurance at Bumi Armada about attitudes to risk and the development of the profession in Asia.
- March 10 2017
Asia’s last insurance frontier
Foreign insurers have been waiting for the opportunity to do business in Myanmar since 2015.
- March 10 2017
Trump takes aim at class actions
Weakening class actions could be good news for D&O insurers in the short term, but will ultimately be detrimental.
- March 3 2017
Solving the low-yield dilemma
Insurance companies risk falling short on the returns needed to meet their expected liabilities.
- March 3 2017
Tesla takes on motor insurance
Insurers have been slow to update their auto policies to reflect the enhanced safety and low depreciation of Tesla vehicles.
- February 24 2017
Singapore pushes for insurtech edge
The Lion City wants to become an insurtech hub, in line with a vision laid out in its Committee on the Future Economy.
- February 24 2017
D&O liabilities on the rise
Tightening regulations and increasing shareholder activism are leading to a continuous growth in executive liability.
- February 17 2017
After China’s slowdown, is India next?
The signs of an economic slowdown in India are becoming more evident, and the timing could hardly be worse.
- February 17 2017
Owning up to risk
While many Asian companies are improving their risk management, too many are still behind the curve.
- February 10 2017
China losing its lustre
Reinsurers are voting with their feet in response to disappointing returns and domestic competition.
- February 10 2017
Australian insurers quitting life business
Insurers are responding to tough conditions and a public backlash by exiting the sector.
- February 3 2017
Reinsurance pricing still falling
January renewals showed that the market continues to experience a fall in pricing and an increase in capital.
- February 3 2017
US insurers mourn TPP
The trade deal would have opened 11 markets to American products and services.
- January 27 2017
Breaking the digital ceiling
Could 2017 could be the year that digital and insurtech solutions break into the mainstream in Asian insurance markets?
- January 27 2017
Microinsurance success in the Philippines
The country’s insurance regulator forecasts that the penetration rate will reach close to 50% during the next five years.
- January 20 2017
Asia’s global trailblazers
Multinational banks and insurers from Asia have become a global force during the past decade.