Swiss Re – Sonar 2018: A peek into the future?

July 6 2018

Catching emerging risks is a bit like catching fog. Some drops will turn into water nurturing new risk pools while others just evaporate as they won’t hit the ground. But all risks have the potential to impact not only the insurance industry but also society as a whole. So it’s worth looking at them carefully. Swiss Re’s latest SONAR report draws on the company’s unique in-house risk management expertise to chart the progress of evolving risks that could spell both opportunities and dangers for the insurance industry in the future.

Growing geopolitical tensions, the re-emergence of the asbestos threat, cyber risks and new technology, biased algorithms and the erosion of risk diversification are just some of the key themes identified in this year’s SONAR report.

Fast developing technologies can also have broader implications for our general wellbeing. They can exacerbate sleep deprivation, undermine human skills or have both beneficial and negative impacts as in the case of cryptocurrencies. These are some of the additional emerging risks discussed in this publication.


Read the report.

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