Company Profile

Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, Ltd, through its subsidiaries, is a global provider of insurance and reinsurance solutions. We operate under the brand Allied World and have supported clients, cedents and trading partners with thoughtful service and meaningful coverages since 2001. We are a subsidiary of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, and we benefit from a worldwide network of affiliated entities that allow us to think and respond in non-traditional ways. Our capital base is strong, our solutions anticipate rather than react to changing trends, and our teams are focused on establishing long-term relationships that are mutually beneficial.

Key Contacts

Jota Shohtoku

Executive Vice President, Head of Asia Pacific

Jacquelyn Goh

Senior Vice President, Singapore Country Head
Allied World Corporate Video
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White Papers & Reports

Global Product Guide

An overview of Allied World's global product offering and support

APAC Product Guide

An overview of Allied World's Asia Pacific product offering and support

Allied World Asia Pacific Capabilities

Key Allied World product tools for the Asia Pacific region

Combustible Cladding Risk Management Article

A deep-dive from Allied World for risk management in the construction industry

Risk Management Tool for water damage

Risk planning and water damage prevention checklist for the construction industry

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