Extreme hailstorm hits Suncorp for A$250m
January 4 2019 by Andrew Tjaardstra-
Insured losses from 2 of New Zealand’s most destructive nat cats top US$2.1bn: ICNZ
- February 14
Auckland Anniversary Weekend floods and Cyclone Gabrielle in 2023 resulted in over 118,000 insurance claims.
Insured losses from 2 of New Zealand’s most destructive nat cats top US$2.1bn: ICNZ
- February 14
Auckland Anniversary Weekend floods and Cyclone Gabrielle in 2023 resulted in over 118,000 insurance claims.
Cyclone Zelia set to hit Australian iron ore hub, 500mm rainfall expected
- February 13
The category 4 storm, which is tracking towards Western Australia's Pilbara coast, has been declared a cyclone event by the ARPC.
Opinion: With fires, floods ripping through limits, will carriers get with the program?
- February 12
Insurers handed wake-up call after LA fires and Queensland floods usher in 2025.
AXA XL | Low and no-cost cybersecurity actions for companies
Considering the increasing frequency of attacks, the evolving threat landscape, including the use of AI to launch more sophisticated attacks, companies today can’t afford to ignore the possibility of being targeted by cybercriminals.
BHSI | Managing non-Asian exposure in long-tail lines
While US-exposed business can look attractive to Asian carriers, managing the volatility around the long-term results and the ability to model those losses are crucial, say BHSI’s Marc Breuil and Marcus Portbury.
Sedgwick | To Handle CAT Claims Well, Multi-Step Preparation is Key
When it comes to risk, it’s not a matter of “if” it’s a matter of “when” an event will occur.
HSBC Asset Management | Is it time to relook at Asian currency bonds?
With diversification and performance high on investors’ agendas, it seems a good time for global portfolios to revive allocations in Asian local currency bonds – including Hong Kong dollar (HKD) bonds.