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- December 8 2023
South India floods: Insured losses could cross half-a-billion-dollar mark
Home and commercial property claims, BI losses continue to climb as the industrial hub of Chennai has yet to recover from the flooding, say local loss adjusters.
- December 7 2023
Global brokers making headways in Japan’s tough insurance market
As the industry battles governance issues and scandals, the agent-dominated market is seeing a shift towards professional intermediaries with specialist skills and independent advice.
- December 6 2023
Fire losses still burning issue for marine insurers as claims mount
Extreme weather, increase in machinery claims post-Covid, piracy, geopolitical and cyber risks are other major APAC marine market concerns.
- December 4 2023
COP28: Insurance can’t be sole solution for climate challenges
With the just-adopted Loss and Damage Fund, the industry can play a supporting role by offering solutions like parametrics in the short term but need to look beyond insurance for the long term.
- November 30 2023
Surge in claims volume testing APAC service capabilities
Increasing nat cat losses, rising cyber claims and inflation leave regional response infrastructure in danger of being overwhelmed, lengthening lead times significantly and driving up costs.
- November 29 2023
International market’s appetite for Taiwan risks waning
While domestic insurance capacity has been sapped by Covid losses, foreign carriers are shying away from writing business in the market due to historically soft markets and looming political risks.
- November 27 2023
Renewals will be late again as carriers wait and watch, says Peak Re’s Nowakowski
As renewals discussions gather pace, no one is expecting any softening and there isn't really any significant new capacity coming to the market, according to the chief underwriting officer.
- November 23 2023
APAC markets need to wake up to changing nat cat exposures
After a bruising 2022 and 2023 nat cat loss experience to date, there can no longer be any argument that Asia faces a new flood risk reality.
- November 21 2023
Asia casualty programmes harder to place, says WTW’s MacCarthy
The covers have reduced substantively with a tightening of the limit belt, offering a range of US$25-$30m now compared with US$50m earlier.
- November 20 2023
Japan’s big three script domestic underwriting rebound
Rate increases, absence of Covid-19, large nat cat losses and increased investment income help Tokio Marine, MS&AD and Sompo improve their earnings in the first half of FY 2023.
- November 17 2023
Unwillingness to deploy capacity comes from too many surprises in the covers: Allianz Re’s Steimen
The (re)insurance industry needs to make sure that it understands the risks via the use of models and has to invest more into better data as economic growth in Asia keeps driving losses up.
- November 16 2023
Rates have to catch up with losses to ease APAC’s offshore wind capacity crunch
(Re)insurers are showing no appetite even as projects pile up, especially in Taiwan, while premiums and risks remain disproportionate, industry sources say.
- November 14 2023
Risk pools may not be the panacea for APAC’s cyber challenges: Gallagher Re’s Braney
As cyber-attacks continue to be huge issue for the region, governments should look at raising awareness, educating and knowledge-sharing, says the broker's head of international cyber.
- November 10 2023
Prepare to deal with US$200bn annual cat losses: Verisk
Flood remains the most tangible gap when it comes to modelling and quantifying risk as catastrophes across APAC are becoming more extreme.
- November 9 2023
Reinsurers are there to protect cedents’ balance sheets, not P&L volatility: Axa XL Re’s Guidée
The chief executive flags up US casualty exposure concerns for APAC insurers as “risks are more interconnected”.
- November 8 2023
Clarion call for more granular data to address accumulation risk in Asean, South Asia
Aggregation of data lags behind growing risks in the region as manufacturing shifts to fast-growing economies like India and Vietnam.
- November 7 2023
BESS thermal runaway risks a hurdle to APAC’s ambitious energy transition goals
Growing fire losses at lithium-ion battery energy storage systems and the potential for liability risks emanating from it is a challenge for capacity in the region.
- November 6 2023
SIRC: Five key themes from the 2023 edition
With the region's biggest reinsurance gathering behind us, we bring you the big takeaways from last week's Singapore event and what they mean for the upcoming renewals.
- November 2 2023
SIRC: Asia’s PV and terrorism market faces second overhaul at 1.1 renewals
Reinsurance prices are going up and attachment points are changing, says Axa XL's Mark Houghton, with demand coming from banks, export credit agencies and government multilateral initiatives.
- October 31 2023
Miller sets sights on continued regional expansion across Asia
Broker to target tripartite growth across product lines, geographies, and distribution capabilities