Industry Segments: Windstorm Page 4 / 4
- April 13 2023
ARPC declares cyclone event as Ilsa upgraded to category 5
The strongest tropical cyclone in the region in a decade is likely to hit Port Hedland, which is one of the largest iron ore ports in the world.
- March 8 2023
Japan windstorm hardening in 1.4 renewals spotlight
Pressure across the reinsurance market is delaying negotiations and could push up some rates 20-30%.
- December 21 2022
Australian carriers seek cyclone pool clarity
The scheme's failure to take off risks worsening affordability of property cover in northern Australia, finds competition regulator.
- November 1 2022
Typhoon Nanmadol losses expected at US$775m: Perils
Claims are lower than initially feared from the powerful Japanese storm.
- September 30 2022
Nanmadol insured losses could hit US$6bn
Japanese cat bond issuers are under scrutiny as losses will likely attach some higher-risk reinsurance layers.
- September 23 2022
Market braces for Nanmadol loss creep
Secondary perils could play a major role after mid-single digit billion loss estimates.
- September 19 2022
‘Violent’ Typhoon Nanmadol causes havoc across Japan
The third-strongest typhoon to make landfall since records began is moving northeast raising flood warning in Tokyo.