Industry Segments: Ratings Page 23 / 23
- May 13 2015
Fitch Ratings’ to update insurance notching criteria
Numerous rating changes expected for insurers located outside the United States.
- April 29 2015
Financial strength ratings of 9 Japanese insurers downgraded
Fitch Ratings stressed that an upgrade of any of the insurers was unlikely in the near future.
- April 27 2015
Saudi Arabia’s insurance sector forecast to grow further
The Kingdom also posts the second biggest insurance premiums in the GCC.
- April 19 2015
Ageas withdraws from A.M. Best’s rating process
No reason was given for Ageas Insurance's request to no longer participate in the rating process.
- April 14 2015
Fitch affirms IFS A- rating of China’s Huaxia Life
The Beijing based insurer has become the largest player in the UL segment in terms of new premiums, says Fitch.
- March 17 2015
Thailand life insurers’ capitalization, earnings remain solid
Report says Thailand will continue to get the attention of foreign players while non-life insurers have solid capital positions that will buffer against risks.
- March 16 2015
Hong Kong’s property insurer SHKPI gets ratings affirmation
Sun Hung Kai Properties Insurance Limited (SHKPI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) Ltd receives financial strength rating of A (Excellent).