Country: Asean Page 126 / 131
- August 21 2015
Political violence on the rise in Thailand
A bomb at Bangkok’s Erawan shrine this week drew attention once again to terrorism and political risks in Thailand.
- August 20 2015
Philippines life industry ranks second for ASEAN preparedness
Singapore came top in Milliman's ASEAN Liberalisation Index.
- August 19 2015
Investment-linked plans drive take-up rate in Malaysia
Greater awareness has helped insurance protection in the country to increase 8.1% during the first half of the year.
- August 12 2015
Tuition protection policy launched in Thailand
Thai parents can now protect their children's schooling in the event that they lose the ability to pay.
- August 12 2015
Yield-hungry Dai-ichi Life invests in Indonesian bonds
Dai-ichi Life has made its first investment into Japanese yen-denominated Indonesian sovereign bonds.
- August 11 2015
Foreign insurers court PNB bancassurance deal
At least six foreign insurers are pursuing Philippine National Bank for a bancassurance joint venture.
- August 11 2015
Cambodian insurers growing at 20%
Cambodia's insurance industry posted 20% premium growth during the first half of 2015, official data show.
- August 11 2015
Military Bank launches life insurance JV
The Vietnamese bank has teamed up with Ageas and Muang Thai Life Assurance to establish a joint venture.
- August 10 2015
Malaysia’s life insurers settle all MH370 claims
The Life Insurance Association of Malaysia has said that a total of M$16.9m was paid to the victims's families.
- August 7 2015
MH370 claims to surface with debris find?
Flaperon found on Reunion Island could be the next step in solving the mystery of the Malaysia Airlines flight.
- August 7 2015
Insurers pass on Vietnam vs Man City fixture risk
Sponsor SHB Bank said that insurers in the region were unwilling to cover the risk of a no-show by the four-time Premiership champions.
- August 7 2015
Singapore life insurers post 3% sales rise in H1
Lion City sees slim growth in both single premium and regular premium business.
- August 4 2015
Singapore to implement compulsory insurance scheme
Starting November 1, all citizens and permanent residents will be covered under the national lifelong insurance scheme.
- August 3 2015
Lloyd’s seeks license to operate in Malaysia
World's specialist insurance market said to be applying for an onshore reinsurance license to operate in Malaysia.
- July 31 2015
Prudential buys into Vietnam government bond
The British life insurer buys nearly half the Vnd7 trillion bonds on offer in the government's debut 20-year issuance.
- July 30 2015
Dai-ichi Life expands in Vietnam
A new general office in Ho Chi Minh City brings the Japanese insurer's Vietnamese presence to 142 sales and general agency offices.
- July 28 2015
Indonesia relaxes insurers’ bond-buying rules
An initiative by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority is designed to help stimulate the local markets.
- July 27 2015
Singapore proposes rules for public selling of insurance
Proposed guidelines to minimise risks to consumers from aggressive public marketing tactics.
- July 24 2015
Myanmar halts licences for foreign insurers
No reason disclosed for suspension of licences to operate in Myanmar's special economic zones (SEZ).
- July 23 2015
PhilNaRe to expand life and health business
Expansion in life and health follows PhilNaRe rise in market share to one-fifth last year.