Insurance Asset Risk Asia 2022



September 2022

Exploring the financial, regulatory and risk landscape for insurers across Asia

Insurance Asset Risk Asia
brings together insurers, asset managers and thought leaders to explore the latest trends and opportunities in insurance asset management. Amid changing capital requirements, low interest rates and an array of investment options, this conference helps participants develop strategies to maximise investment performance and navigate increasingly stringent regulatory requirements.

Conference topics Include:

  • Asset liability  management best practices in an evolving environment
  • Actively Managing the Evolution in the Insurance industry
  • Portfolio diversification and optimisation: finding additional yield
  • ESG: how can insurers become sustainable across their whole portfolio?
  • Being Prepared for New Capital Requirements

Last Year Speakers Include:

2021 Audience Profile:

Breakdown of Audience and Participants


By Company Type

By Role


2021 By Numbers





Number of Attendees

Head of Investment & Risk

Meeting Engagements
(Direct messages, videos calls)



What to expect in Insurance Asset Risk Asia:

Companies who attended in 2021:

Contact person:

Alastair Grigg

Managing Director

[email protected]

Tiffany Kwok

Senior Marketing Executive

[email protected]

Last Year’s Sponsors (2021)